🎶 You were left wanting more music in the #GreekFestival? Take advantage and don't miss two artists who have passed through the festival this year...
Let’s discover a little more in depth the pieces that accompanied us this #GrecFest…
🔍 Let's discover a little more in depth the pieces that accompanied us this one #GreekFestival a #CreacióIMuseus. 🎥 Relive 'Baile enmascarado' and...
From October at Temporada Alta you will be able to see co-productions that have passed …
📅 From October to High Season you can see co-productions that have gone through the #GreekFestival like: - 'Poncia' - 'Dying is what everyone does'...
Throwing the White – CNTC 2024 / 2025
👏 The classic that we were able to experience this summer during the #GreekFestival at Romea Theatre arrives in Madrid! 🤩 The National Classical...
Musical lovers, you’re in luck! Cia’s ‘Artemis’ is back. Gemini, after…
👏 Lovers of musicals, you're in luck! 🎶 Cia's 'Artemis' is back. Geminis, after his passage through #GreekFestival. 🌕 A story that connects with...
‘Hamlet’ returns to Barcelona After the success at #GrecFestival 2022, the v…
🎭 'Hamlet' returns to Barcelona 🗡️ After the success in #GreekFestival 2022, the version of the Peruvian theater company Teatro returns The Square...
From road to road
🎶 The Greek Theater was filled with the magic of Rita Payés this one #GreekFestival. 🎧 Continue enjoying his music by listening to his new work 'De...