Film forum on science and cinema Take part in the film forum organized by the Biblio…

🎬 Cinema forum on science and cinema Take part in the cinema forum organized by the Library and the Catalan Federation of Cineclubs We propose films that allow us to talk about science and cinema from a didactic and transversal perspective. The proposed films must be seen before each session and are available in eBiblio (link in BIO☝) 🗓 The first meeting is on Tuesday, October 8, ⏱ at 6:30 p.m. ℹ Prior registration is required ( link to BIO☝) 🎥 Cinefòrum of science and cinema “Madame Curie, Marjane Satrapi”, by Arnau Martín, master’s degree in contemporary cinema from Pompeu Fabra University and film critic. 👩‍🔬 Pioneer. rebel genius This is the incredible true story of Marie Sklodowska-Curie and her Nobel Prize-winning work that changed the world forever. As he discovers previously unknown radioactive elements, it soon becomes terrifyingly clear that his research could lead to medical applications that would save thousands of lives, but also to uses in war that could destroy millions #cinema #cinemòrum #ciència # libraries #bibliolab @fedcatcineclubs Catalan Federation of Cineclubs
