50 years after her death, we remember Aurora Bertrana with a small exhibition at…
🩵50 years after her death, we remember Aurora Bertrana with a small exhibition on the first floor. 👉You will find very interesting information about his figure and his work on the two websites we mention at the end of the post. “I’m almost always two. let’s discuss We never agree, but we tolerate each other and get along. It seems that, at times, one of us is passionate, sensual, pessimistic and cynical, and the other, also at times, equanimous, austere, optimistic and reserved: one a mystic, the other an incredulous one, both of us fussy and anti-clerical. . Writer, traveller, journalist, musician, lecturer!, pioneer, engaging, controversial… Aurora Bertrana i Salazar is one of the most transversal figures of 20th century Catalonia who mirrors herself, without complexities, in the 21st century. Fortunes and misfortunes swirled around a multifaceted woman who felt literature as “an ideological, consubstantial metzina”. Despite the adversities he had to face, he threw himself fully into the joy of living thanks to a restless, irreducible and rule-breaking spirit. [Font: https://palaurobert.gencat.cat/ca/exposicions/jardi/2024/aurora-bertrana/]
Bertrana Year commemoration: https://cultura.gencat.cat/ca/temes/commemoracions/2017/anybertrana/aurora/