Welcome, autumn! Even if the temperatures resist, it’s exactly a…
🍂🍂 Welcome, autumn! Even if the temperatures resist, exactly one month ago the season began that this year will last until December 21. In addition, autumn is the season of the dreaded time change. This will happen next weekend this year. On Saturday the 26th, the sun will set at almost seven in the afternoon, while the following day it will set before 6 p.m. 🧐 If you want to know more, in the children’s room you can enjoy a display of stories about autumn. #BiblioInfantilElPrat #BibliotecaElPrat #CentricEspaiCultural #Lectura #horadelconte #illadelalectura #pratfamilies #quefemalesbiblios #elpratcultura #elprat Central Cultural Space El Prat Culture Network of Municipal Libraries of the Diputació de Barcelona