The red virgin – Cinema Maldà

“The red virgin» / Spain: 2024 / Direction: Paula Ortiz / Actors: Najwa Nimri, Alba Planas, Patrick Criado, Aixa Villagrán, Pepe Viyuela, Pep Ambrós, Claudia Roset, Jorge Usón / Drama-Thriller / 114 min / Original version in Spanish / Not recommended for under 12s and badge ESPECIALLY RECOMMENDED FOR THE PROMOTION OF GENDER EQUALITY.

Hildegart was conceived and educated by her mother Aurora to be the woman of the future, becoming one of the most brilliant minds in Spain in the 1930s and one of the European references on female sexuality. At the age of 18, Hildegart begins to experience freedom and meets Abel Velilla, who helps her explore a new emotional world and break away from the iron maternal nest. Aurora fears losing control over her daughter and does everything possible to prevent Hildegart from leaving. The two women will face each other during a summer night in 1933, putting an end to the “Hildegart Project”.

The review says:
“A superlative Najwa Nimri dazzles in Paula Ortiz’s gothic tale, her best film to date (…) Ideal for discovering a historical event in an attractive and suspenseful way (…)” Juan Pando: Frames

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