Sarah Moon has a unique ability to bring nature into the controlled environment…
Sarah Moon has a unique ability to bring nature into the controlled environment of the studio, transforming natural elements into compositions full of poetry and symbolism. By recreating landscapes or botanical elements under artificial lights, Moon manages to capture the essence of nature while reimagining it through his lens. This reinterpretation offers an intimate and dreamlike vision, where the natural is mixed with the fictional, and every detail is carefully orchestrated to provoke an emotional response in the viewer. In ‘El tiempo se tiene’, nature is not only a theme, but a space where Moon’s imagination flourishes. 📷: ©Sarah Moon, L’échappée belle, 2021 📍Fotocolectania ⏱ Exhibition hours From Wednesday to Saturday: 11 – 14.30 h and 16 – 20 h Sundays: 11 – 15 h 👉 Holidays closed 🔗 https://fotocolectania.org/ es/exhibition/168/sarah-moon-el-tiempo-se-detiene #NaturalezaYArte #SarahMoon #ElTempsSAtura #FotografíaContemporánea #FotoColectania #ArteVisual ____ Sarah Moon has a unique ability to bring nature into the controlled environment of the studio and transform natural elements into compositions full of poetry and symbolism. By recreating landscapes or botanical elements under artificial lights, Moon manages to capture the essence of nature while reimagining it through the lens. This reinterpretation offers an intimate, dreamlike vision, where the natural blends with the fictional, and every detail is carefully orchestrated to evoke an emotional response in the viewer. In ‘Time Stands Still’, nature is not only a subject, but a space where Moon’s imagination flourishes. 📷: ©Sarah Moon, L’échappée belle, 2021 📍Fotocolectania ⏱ Exhibition hours From Wednesday to Saturday: 11 – 14:30 and 16 – 20:00 Sundays: 11 – 15:00 👉 Holidays closed 🔗 https://fotocolectania.org /es/exhibition/168/sarah-moon-el-tiempo-se-detiene __ Exhibition collaborator: LCI Barcelona @lci_barcelona With the support of Institut Français Barcelona @ifbarcelona Collaborators of the Foto Colectania programs: @fundacionbancosabadell @fujifilm.es #FundacioDamm #SarahMoon