It’s time to submit your ideas to improve #SSTG, it’s time to en…
It’s time to present your ideas to improve #SSTG, it’s time to start the #ParticipativeBCN Budgets! The residents of the district can decide in which projects 30 million euros from the municipal budget will be invested until 2027. If you detect a need in the neighborhood, you can present your proposal for an investment project, until November 29. The project must be a proposal for the improvement of public space, of municipal facilities or for the acquisition or rehabilitation of real estate for public use. Your project proposal will be carried out if it meets the technical requirements and receives the necessary support from the public, from among a selection of 250 (25 for each district), which will also be in your hands in February 2025. The process will end with a vote on the finalist projects in April next year. All the information at https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/sarria-santgervasi/ca/noticia/nous-presupostos-participatius-2024-2027decideix-que-es-millora-al-teu-barri-2_1440284 #PressupostosParticipatiusBCN