exhibition "Human-Mind. Ezekiel Rosenfeldt"
Exhibition message: “The Arranz-Bravo Foundation presents Humana-Mente, a solo exhibition by Ezequiel Rosenfeldt curated by art critic Jordi Garrido. The exhibition analyzes the evolution of the human mind from its origins to the present day, when this same mind that turned us into *Homo sapiens sapiens* 100,000 years ago has to coexist with machines with intellectual potential algorithmic Ultimately, the show delves into the complexity of human thought and what defines us as a species. Through line, drawing, painting and color, Rosenfeldt delves into the dichotomy that is established when humanity separates biological intelligence – that which is our own – from inorganic intelligence – that which we have created *ex new*.” This article of the Cultural Agenda was updated on October 18, 2024, therefore, in anticipation of possible subsequent modifications, we recommend you to compare the information with that published on the website of the Arranz Bravo Foundation. You can do it by following the following link: Exhibition “Humana-Mente. Ezequiel Rosenfeldt” on the website of the Arranz Bravo Foundation
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