Premiered in 2013 at Sala Villarroel and starring Jordi Bosch and Jordi Boixaderas, the play is based on a conversation between a client and...
Autumn Plants: Sowing Resistances in a Time of Drought | Activity
Voice and piano concert, with works by Wagner, Mahler and Gerhard / Activities / Visit us / Home
Javier Coma and the boom in North American culture / Exhibitions / Visit us / Home
In 2020, the Biblioteca de Catalunya received the donation of part of the personal library of the critic Javier Coma and, for this...
T’agradaria treballar al Globus Vermell?
T'agradaria treballar al Globus Vermell? - Nau...
INTERDISCIPLINARY ART JAM Tuesday, December 3 at 11 a.m. By the Liberarte collective Pre-registration is required from September 9 An inclusive...
[Tallers i performances] HÍBRIDES: Small embodied Data
November 29 and 30 Two days of activities within the framework of the festival Hybrids: Encounters between artistic practices, bodies and Open...
Calidoscopi – Virginia Gimeno i Rober Gómez
Last October 29 we celebrated the castanada with the elderly. Xavi Medina offered us an amazing magic show. Here's how the quintessential fall...
Sessió de curtmetratges per erradicar les violències masclistes – Centre Cívic Guinardó
Thursday 28 November at 6pm. A cinematographic program that addresses different...
25 anys de Relats en Femení – Centre Cívic Sagrada Família
The Sagrada Família Library–Josep M. Ainaud de Lasarte and the Sagrada Familia Civic Center we invite you to participate in this special...
CC La Farinera del Clot
PUBLIC SERVICE HOURS From Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 10 p.mSaturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m....
We have to do something now
In Carrer Sant Agustí de Gràcia, renting a flat cost €700 a month. After the New Amsterdam Developers fund bought the block, he gave what he...
The transformative impact of Catalunya Freestyle
/ Photographs: @saul.lens Just 2 years ago, in December 2022, Periphery Gold Battle wins the Lluís Carulla Award for best idea. The...
November at the Ateneo – ATENEU EL POBLET
This November, when the leaves fall and the weather cools, we invite you to immerse yourself in a month full of culture and creativity....