Aim! The Skatalites + Willie Peyote + Nanpa Básico + La Yegros + Judit Nedd…
✍🏻 Aim! 🦠 The Skatalites + Willie Peyote + Nanpa Básico + La Yegros + Judit Neddermann + Sarao Drag + SOLD OUT Marina Reche 🛎️ Saturday don’t miss Cinco a la five 🍸 📸 MEDIA reporters 🎟️ www.sala-apolo.com #salaapolo
✍🏻 Take a note! + The Skatalites + Willie Peyote + Nanpa Basic + La Yegros + Judit Neddermann + Sarao Drag + SOLD OUT Marina Reche 🛎️ Saturday don’t miss Five at Five 🍸 📸 MEDIA reporters 🎟️ www.sala-apolo.com #salaapoloTranslated from Catalan