ZUMBA SUAU Del 16 de Setembre al 9 de Desembre Dilluns d’11.45 a 12.45 h Preu: 6…
GENTLE ZUMBA From September 16 to December 9 Monday from 11.45 a.m. to 12.45 p.m. Price: €68.90 (13 sessions) https://inscripcions.ccnavas.cat/MiramModular/buscador/buscador.jsp?g=1&c=4&a=8873 Easy and fun dance that promotes joint mobility and fitness. We will dance to different songs with different rhythms. Aim for all those people who want to be fit in a gentle and entertaining way. LATIN RHYTHMS WITHOUT A PAIR GROUP A From September 16 to December 9 Mondays from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Price: €103.35 (13 sessions) https://inscripcions.ccnavas.cat/MiramModular/buscador/buscador.jsp?g=1&c= 4&a=8898 Come and have fun dancing! Learn the different Latin styles: merengue, salsa, bachata, cumbia, txaxa, conga and mambo. No partner required. RISOTHERAPY From September 17 to December 10 Tuesday from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Price: €95.40 (12 sessions) https://inscripcions.ccnavas.cat/MiramModular/buscador/buscador.jsp?g=1&c=4&a=8844 Come to discover how laughter, through games and simple dynamics, will help you release tension, improve stress and generate a positive and pleasant state of well-being. Barcelona Civic Centers District of Sant Andreu #districtedesantandreu #tallerescentrociviconavas #centrescivics #tallers2024 #centrecivicnavas #tallerscentrecivicnavas #ccnavas #tallerscentrescivics #tallerssetembre #tallersdesalut #femexercici #tallersdeball #RitmesLlatins #zumba #terapiadelriure #risoterapia