What potential do the arts have for social change? How can they help in the inte…

🎨 What potential do the arts have for social change? How can they help in the integration of vulnerable groups and of migrant origin and in the creation of community? We will talk about it live on Instagram with @esterbonal, director of @xamfraartsbcn, a music and scene center for inclusion… More
🎨 What potential do the arts have for social change? How can they help integrate vulnerable and migrant groups and create community? We will speak live on Instagram with @esterbonal, director of @xamfraartsbcn, a music center and scene for social inclusion in the Raval neighborhood. In addition, we get to know the experience of one of the participants of the Xamfra projects. 📅 Today at 18:30 don’t miss our IG Live of the Carulla Foundation! And remember, the call for the Francesc Candel Prize is still open, which awards €15,000 to the best cultural project for integration and social cohesion in Catalonia. Check the bases at 👉 www.fundaciocarulla.cat #CultureTransformadora #FrancescCandel Award #IGLive #FundacióCarullaTranslated from Catalan
