We share the last story of this month of October STORIES IN THE HAND. “Ping…

🤓😍 We share the last story teller of this month of October👇 👉 STORIES IN HAND. “Penguin, dog or Bigú, having friends doesn’t hurt anyone” By Judith Navarro. For children up to 4 years and families. ▶️ Tuesday 29/10. ⌚️ 5.30pm If there’s a knock on the door one morning, go over and ask who’s there. Maybe he’ll be a friend, maybe he’ll want to play. In the first part of the activity, stories will be told for the little ones. Afterwards, we will open a space to talk about reading aloud, and we will give tools and recommendations to enhance family reading activity. Free entry Limited capacity. We are waiting for you! ☺️😍 #barribonpastor #ccbonpastor #bonpastormola #barcelona #cultura #BarcelonaCultura #barri #fembarri #familiar #spectacleinfantil @judith_petitacompanyia_lij @pengimpenjamtitelles@ccbonpastor @avvbonpastor @ieeltiler @afaeltiller @avmaquinistam @bon_pastor @celfundacio @meseducaciosa @fembonpastor @amics.del.bon .pastor @escbarodeviver @esperanca1965 @ampa_escola_bonavista @transformat_bonpastor @ciberaulabonpastor @femsorollbonpastor D9Radio @comerciantsbon @biblioteques_bcn @dromkotarmestipen @districtesantandreu #infants #activitatisinfantilsbarcelona #spectacleinfantil #artinfantil #infancia #educaciónfamiliar #infantsifamiliesbonpastor #bonpastormola #rromanesiklyovne
