We open the Spring Courses of the Brossa School – Joan Brossa Foundation
From February 27 we have open the registrations of the Spring Courses of the Brossa School. After a quarter where the artists Tanit Plana, Marina Otero, María Salgado, Maria Sevilla and Raquel Santanera have passed through the school, this quarter we open six new courses, one online and five face -to -face.
Face -to -face courses that will take place at school are “How do we read”an introduction to critical hermeneutics from Language grillesfrom Celan, with Arnau Pons; “The poem is not done alone”an experimental poetic creation course to stimulate participants’ creation processes with Maria Sevilla and Raquel Santanera; “The metric and the rhyme in the song”a workshop on analysis of formal structures of the song and of musical composition with Quim Carandell; “In Girum Imus Nocte et Consumimur Igni”a workshop where from the concept of drive will propose urban, mental and digital explorations for writing, with Gabriel Ventura; and “Kinopoem, toward a poetic expression“, A course on poetic expression in cinema where fragments of films such as Maya Deren or Chantal Akerman will be visualized, with Javier Urrutia.
As for the online course, we have As a thief I forced the horizon (II)a course with the Laura G. Ortensi Where he will propose readings from Rodoreda to Angela Marineescu, through Sylvia Plath or Ausiàs March, and a set of writing exercises so that, due to the push of the word game, the creative act takes place.
We are waiting for you for Brossa School! Special discounts will last until April 10.