Una conferència-debat sobre la diversitat de les pràctiques funeràries. – Centre Cívic Guinardó

Thursday, February 27 at 6pm.

Prior registration is required – Free Activity

More information about the exhibition here

In a world, every more globalized vedad, it is fascinating to observe how rituals, beliefs and deaths related to death vary greatly between countries, even within western societies that apparently have a greater homogeneity.

The artist Nathalie Rey has been investigating this in depth subject for years, will focus his lecture on the funeral practices of 4 countries where he lives and works: France, Spain, Germany and Turkey. Through an approach that combines recent economic and scientific data, Rey will invite the public to reflect on the evolution of our funeral customs and new trends towards more personalized, intimate and sustainable ceremonies.

This talk is part of his exhibition “Live well, die well” and proposes not only a comparative look, but also a space for dialogue and exchange of ideas. It will be an event to question how we say goodbye to our loved ones and how these practices reflect our relationship with life and death.

Registration Activity: Living well, die well

Temporary – Barcelona Cultural District

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