UNA CASTANYADA BEN DOLÇA! . Volem preparar-nos bé per la Castanyada, i això i…
🍁 🍯 A VERY SWEET CHESTNUT! . We want to prepare well for the Castanyada, and that means being able to go into the kitchen and make a mouth-watering All Saints pastry! . This time we will prepare some very special marzipan panels, since we will not use potatoes or sweet potatoes. And, in addition, we will discover the so-called Huesillos Extremadura, a delight for the senses! . 🥣 MONOGRAPH: ALL SAINTS’ CONFECTIONERY 📅 17/10, from 11.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. ✅ Price: €7.72 + €4 of material 👉 Sign up: https://matasiramis.inscripcionscc.com/MiramModular/buscador/buscador. jsp?g=1&c=11&a=2150 . . . Horta-Guinardó District Horta Market Civic Centers of Barcelona Horta-Can Mariner Library Horta Sortimbcn @