TXI-KUNG CFQ / MEDITACIÓ GRUP A De l’1 d’Octubre al 10 de Desembre Dimarts d’11…

TXI-KUNG CFQ / MEDITATION GROUP A From October 1st to December 10th Tuesday from 11.45am to 1.15pm GROUP B From October 2nd to December 11th Wednesday from 5pm to 6.30pm Price: €87.45 ( 11 sessions) Over time we carry an increasingly heavy backpack and we all need one way or another to free ourselves from part of its weight in order to continue enjoying day to day. Through the Txi Kung tool, discover in a safe and simple way how you can achieve a better quality of life by learning to let go. Chi Kung practice includes movement meditation, fluid coordination of slow movements, rhythmic deep breathing, and a calm, meditative state of mind. Some of its benefits are to eliminate tension and stress, improve the resistance of the osteoarticular system, regenerate our energy and improve the circulation of our body, increase respiratory capacity, increase the flexibility and mobility of the joints. You must bring a towel, towel or pareo. Barcelona Civic Centers District of Sant Andreu #centrescivics #EnsCuidem #tallerescentrociviconavas #tallers2024 #tallerscentrescivics #districtedesantandreu #tallerssetembre #ccnavas #centrecivicnavas #tallerescentroscivicos #tallerscentrecivicnavas #txikung #tallerdetxikung
