“Tunnel Boring Machine” (Tuneladora, 2022), by Teresa Solar Abboud, makes us think…

🔍 “Tunnel Boring Machine” (Tuneladora, 2022), by Teresa Solar Abboud, makes us think of prehistoric beings, zoomorphic forms and bodily appendages. Suspended between the biological world and that of industrial production, the tangible and the mythical, these creatures seem to have emerged from a time between geological and industrial, between material and mythical, a hybrid world straddling artifice and illusion , natural history, ecology and anatomy. Don’t miss the exhibition “#ColleccioMACBA. Prelude. Poetic Intention”👉http://tiny.cc/Colleccio-macba ~ 🔍 “Tunnel Boring Machine” (Tuneladora, 2022) by Teresa Solar Abboud, makes us think of prehistoric beings , zoomorphic forms and body appendages. Suspended between the biological and the industrially produced, the tangible and the mythical, these creatures seem to have emerged from a time between geological and industrial, between material and mythical, a hybrid world straddling artifice and illusion, natural history, ecology and anatomy. Don’t miss the exhibition “Colección MACBA. Preludio. Intención Poética”👉http://tiny.cc/coleccion-macba ~ 🔍 “Tunnel Boring Machine” (2022), by Teresa Solar Abboud, evokes prehistoric beings, zoomorphic shapes and body appendages Suspended between biology growth and industrial production, at once tangible and mythical, these creatures seem to have arisen from a place between geological and industrial time, materiality and myth, a hybrid domain straddling artifice and illusion, natural history, ecology and anatomy. Do not miss the “MACBA Collection: Prelude. Poetic Intention” exhibition👉http://tiny.cc/macba-collection #ColleccioMACBA #macbaBCN #exposición #exhibition #exhibition #art #arte #artcontemporani #TeresaSolarAbboud #contemporaryart #barcelonaart
