The works of Younès Rahmoun evoke the universal dimension of spirituality in …
💡Younès Rahmoun’s works evoke the universal dimension of spirituality from the systematic repetition of a gesture, a word, an action or an element that operates as a meditative principle. In the “#ColleccioMACBA. Preludi. Poética Intention”, he presents “77”, made up of seventy-seven lamps grouped in ten flower-shaped formations that, together, draw a larger flower.👉 Colleccio-macba ~ 💡 The works of Younès Rahmoun evoke the universal dimension of spirituality from the systematic repetition of a gesture, a word, an action or an element that operates as a meditative principle. In the “Colección MACBA. Preludio. Intención poética”, he presents “77”, made up of seventy-seven lamps grouped in ten flower-shaped formations that, together, draw a larger flower. 👉 ~ 💡 Younès Rahmoun’s installations powerfully evoke the universal dimension of spirituality through the systematic repetition of a gesture, a word, an action or an element that works as an element of meditation. In “MACBA Collection: Prelude. Poetic Intention”, I present “77”, consisting of seventy-seven lanterns grouped in ten flower-shaped groups, brought together to make a larger flower.👉 collection