The SITGES International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia hosts the celebra…
The SITGES International Fantastic Film Festival of Catalonia hosts the celebration of the 10th anniversary of Pack Màgic 🎂 💥The event will take place next Sunday, October 6 at 11.30 a.m. in the Jardins del Casino Prado, where everyone is invited to participate in the creation of the Magic Pack Movie, where we will use screen printing on the skin to produce an animation. We will continue at 12.30 with the preview of 🦊GUILLOT AND HARE SAVE THE FOREST🌳 by Mascha Halberstad, which is presented in a session accompanied by the musician Triquell and the actress Diana Hermoso (El Gecko con botas). 🎤🎼This musical comedy, full of memorable songs, was presented worldwide in the Generation Kplus section of the Berlinale and will arrive in Catalan cinemas at the beginning of 2025. It is the first Catalan dubbing experience of Triquell, who has embodied the Castor, one of the main and most endearing characters. It passes through Sitges as part of Anima’t (special session), the animation section of the Sitges Film Festival. 🎫Purchase tickets on the Festival website >> 🔗https://sitgesfilmfestival.com/ca/film/2024/guillot-llebre-salven-bosc-fox-hare-save-forest #10anysPackMagic #CreixentAmbVosaltres #cinemainfantil #CinemaEnCatalà # CinemadAutoria #EnCatalà #preview #doublatgeencatalà #Triquell