‘The officer of bajista’ with Pep Pérez Cucurella [4 sesiones]
Are you bajista or double bassist and you want to perfect yourself to build low styles? You do not pierdas this exclusivo workshop with Pep Pérez CucurellaBajist recognition with a wide lace of the music scene.
In this workshop, different focus will be addressed to develop the lines of bajo in the most common styles, providing Herramientas practical and councils based on the professional experience.
Mounds, February 24
Monday, March 17
Mounds, April 7
Monday, 12 Mayo
18: 30-20: 30
Omega-Morente Classroom. Taller de Músics Escuela Superior de Estudios Musicales (ESEM).
C/ Segre, 24-32, 3rd Pl. | 08030 Barcelona
Directed to Students Bajistas or double bass.
Abierto to all that is intertwined.
Libre entry for Students and Professorado of Music Workshop (Music School, Escuela Joven, ESEM, Senior Space, Voices School, Open Workshop and Music Cabal).
General Public Consult Amount in the Secretary.
Registration in the Secretary of the School or the ESEM.
Higher School (ESEM)
C/ Segre, 24-32, 3rd Pl.
08030 Barcelona
t. 93 176 30 63
[email protected]
Music School
C/ Requesens, 3-5
08001 Barcelona
t. 93 329 56 67
m. 608 381 118
[email protected]
Pep Pérez Cucurella
Bajista Eléctrico formed in the Taller de Músics de Barcelona, he has been a teacher in the Workshop of Musicians and the ESMUC. In the Larg of his career, he has collaborated with prominent musicians and artists such as Joan Manuel Serrat, Vicente Amigo, Bebo Valdés, Jorge Pardo, Chano Domínguez, Vicenç Solsona, Joan Díaz or David Gómez, among others.