The infinite battle

The warrirs of this world are able to summarize in what is sucked in the skiing of Gran Vía with Urgell. Of a side, The Motorish Papanoeladathat will pass that point in an unofficial traveler (because the ayuntamiento has not authorized it this year), in which he has been paired with the participants who are left with nonsense and has not been the Mongolo. Accumulate fine of other years and even the Catalan Ombudsman has Pedido that their celebration is implemented. As for the moment they do deafness, of the otro lado, Eixample Respai has called a tiny At the same time in Esa Esquina, which will be the starting point of a bike tour by a fiestas without humo. What they want is a city without children: Raül, the vecino of a Gràcia school, has filed a lawsuit by the patio with which Pretend a “total cierre”. It is not the only case, so much that the ayuntamiento is considered to be intended to end the regulations for the rule of schools Do not be considered acoustic pollutionthat commands huevos. Luego Raül I querrá that my hijo pay for the pension. Le Recommendo Luchas Más Más Past, as the Movilization for Save the buganvilla of Rambla Catalunya. The duea already consigid that the vecinos will save her in 2018, when the ayuntamiento is accused of “Illegal occupation of the Aéreo space”. Le hahá mucho más feliz.

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