The Guinardó Park was once part of a mountainous and dry land,…
The Parc del Guinardó was formerly part of a mountainous and dry land, called the Pelada mountain, which extended to the Carmel hill. The reforestation of the last 60 years has completely transformed this reality. Agaves and carobs are still from the past. In the center of this valley, now gloomy, there is the Cuento spring. Next door, people line up to collect water in the 1960s. 📸 UNKNOWN AUTHOR / JOAN CORBERA PALAU Fund Barcelona: El Guinardó-Can Baró: graphic collection 1884-1980 / Joan Corbera … [et al.]. El Papiol: Efadós, 2015 https://aladi.diba.cat/record=b1819140~S171 #biblioGuinardóRecomana #Carmel #guinardó #fontdelcuento