The Apolo Theater welcomes the return of ‘The Doctor, the musical’

The Apolo Theater will host the musical from October 29 The Doctoran adaptation of the novel by Noah Gordon. Adapted for Ivan Macias i Felix Amadorin the piece narrates the life of Rob J. Cole, a young orphan with the unusual gift of predicting death, who begins a journey to Persia to become a prestigious doctor.

The idea of ​​transforming this novel into a musical was born from the passion of Iván Macías, who, together with Amador, managed to convince Noah Gordon to participate in the project. “We insisted a lot and managed to convince Noah Gordon and his son, who manages the copyright”, explains Macías. The collaboration of the author, in the words of the production director, allowed them to continue creating this musical that maintains the essence of the story: the search for personal improvement and the unconditional love for medicine.

After its premiere in Madrid in 2018, where it exceeded 150,000 spectators and achieved three nominations for the Max awards, The Doctor, the Musical takes on a new life in Barcelona, ​​where the pandemic frustrated a first attempt to make a season. From the hand of the producer drink Entertainmentthe musical has already had more than 700 performances and has been exported to countries such as the Czech Republic and Germany.

This new production features voices like Faith Sallesas the protagonist, and other well-known professionals such as Sergio Albert or Paco Arrojo. With 28 actors and 18 musicians, the staging transports the audience from England to the arid desert and the palace of the Shah of Isfahan. The production has the scenographic design ofAlfonso Floresthe advice of the illusionist George Blass or the wardrobe created by Lorenzo Caprilewith more than 300 pieces.

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