The alarm clock, the singing bird teacher, the painter of tree leaves, the water…
🎺 The alarm clock, the birdsong teacher, the painter of tree leaves, the potbelly, the seamstress of broken hearts… A puppet show and live music that invites us to travel to a very special city , where its inhabitants have some… very peculiar trades! 🎺 Somion. The city of impossible trades | What’s left of the theater 🗓️ 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20 October 🎶 Puppets and live music 👧🏻 +3 years 🧏🏻 12 October, 5.30pm: Accessible function https://www.sat- teatre.cat/ca/p/c/509-somion-la-ciutat-dels-oficis-impossibles.html