‘Tempo’ by Toni Mira: the rhythm that unites music and dance
The relationship between dance and music has always been very close, although the way they relate has changed over time, especially with modern and contemporary dance. Modern dance wanted to become independent from music to become an autonomous art, while with the rise of improvisation and the emphasis on the theatrical and performative character of contemporary dance, the relationship with music ended completely reversed: it remained at the service of the body and movement, taking on a more environmental or soundscape role. However, beyond the relationship between disciplines, the rhythmic dimension of movement has not ceased to be present in any dance manifestation.

Tony Mira
Currently, it seems that we are in a moment of resurgence of the concept of choreography and its relationship with music, recovering a vision of dance that is much closer to dance, inseparable from musicality. weather is a dance show that rightly puts the rhythm at the center of the scene and the choreography, and shows how each musical rhythm (the bolero, the jazz, the waltz, etc.) awakens a different emotion in us and how each of these emotions are expressed through movement in a unique way. A show for all audiences, in which the viewer is asked nothing more than to let themselves be carried away by the bodies that dance to the rhythm of the music and the poetry they exude.
weatherwinner of the last edition of the Teatre Barcelona Awards for Best Dance Proposal, is directed by Tony Mirawith the management assistance of Claire Ducreux. After three decades of creation and collaborations in various formats – medium and large format dance shows, family dance, musical theatre, theater and videomapping – Toni Mira is one of the most prominent choreographers on the Catalan scene. He won the Barcelona City Award in 2009 for his educational work in prisons and the National Dance Award in 2010 with the company Nats Nuts Dansa, which he founded in 1987. In 1995 he was one of the founding partners of the dance creation center La Caldera, in Les Corts de Barcelona.
Although it is an element present in all his creations, Mira has wanted to emphasize the rhythm in an explicit way precisely to investigate from the dialogue with the new generations of dancers who perform in weather: Guillem Batlle, Laura Feliu, VlatIon, Xian Martinez, Julia Miralles, Lila Ribera i Miriam Salvador.
The show was already scheduled for January 2024, but it can now be seen again at the Mercat de les Flors on January 3, 4, 8, 11 and 12 (there will be a relaxed morning session on Wednesday 8), this hit with the live music of the musicians Max Vilavecchia i Mario Salvi. A very good opportunity to enjoy dancing with family and friends during the Christmas holidays, even with the little ones; because the instinct that moves us all to dance to the rhythm of the music is transversal and universal across all cultures and generations, and a great expression of the feeling of community.
More information, images and tickets at: