[Tallers i performances] HÍBRIDES: Small embodied Data
November 29 and 30
Two days of activities within the framework of the festival Hybrids: Encounters between artistic practices, bodies and Open Source technologies
November 29, from 7 to 9 p.m. Noble Room – free access
Local Positioning System with Lotta Stöver
Sorry, ancestors! with Aizhan Saganayeva
EarthCycleswith Shelly Knotts
Red Noises with Cristina Dezi
November 30, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m
Skinship workshop: Sensumates, by Susan Ploetz (in English)
Registrations: https://hybrides.axolot.cat/skinshipSensumates.html
November 30, from 4 to 7 p.m
Handcrafting AI workshop, with Iván Paz (in Catalan and English)
Registrations: https://hybrides.axolot.cat/handcraftingAI.html
organize AXOLOT