Rosalía and the Musicians Workshop

By Lluís Cabrera
Photo: © Maud-Sophie Andrieux

In his years of studies in the Taller de Músics, Rosalía entered and Salía de las aulas as a torbellino. There has been a special and intricate growth since 1979, with several premises of the triáángulo that form the streets Requesens, the prince of Viana and ash, which as it results that the street was the patio of the school. This abierto environment fosón an learning more there from the Academic Recint: Rosalía also absorbed knowledge interacting with artists, teachers and companies in the peculiar patio.

The philosophy of the Taller de Músics Siempre has been the eclecticism and the flexibility, elements that distinguish it from its foundation. This focus promotes the musical practice in Group (combos), the mezcla de géveros and the creation of platforms so that the students are fond of the public. Rosalía lasts perfectly in this pedagogical model, which a priori learned to talk before writing. From the Jazzs Club to the Greek Theater, where I have been involved in a spectaculo inspired by Carmen Amaya, Pasando por el Palau de la Música con Flamenkids Or its intervention in the flamenco city, Rosalía demonstrates an amazing artistic madurez for its age.

In Early 2010, Rosalía was enrolled by the first one in the Taller de Músics del Barrio del Raval. During two years, Cursó Studies of piano, musical language, song flamenco, singing jazz, vocal technique and guitar. Among his professors Estuvieron Jaume Gispert, Chiqui de la Línea, Errol Woiski, Diana Palau and Xevi García, quiets fueron testimos of his tireless curiosidad. This stage ended, continues its higher education in Can Fabra, in the district of Sant Andreu, between 2012 and 2014. There, amplion its preparation in matters such as History of Music, Flemish harmony, musical thinking, forms of flamenco and foundations of composition , with teachers such as Enric Marín, Alba Guerrero and Xavier Casellas.

His participatory attitude La Llevó to inscribe is not solved in the regular assignures, but also in seminars, workshops, classrooms and conferencias. Rosalía Ask tirelessly, incisively, show an innate restlessness that challenges those who rode the roda. Ask, at the end and the cabo, it is kept to expand with conocimient and to build a voice of its own. This attitude is the one that the workshop promotes in its students: to observe, to squeeze and to drop, because without caresamientos no evolution.

We understand that Rosalía was generating his artistic idea with humildad, evtito postures altivas and hugs the simple. It is admirable how to learn from the observation and the scucch, showing the knowledge of the tomorrows. This form of learning also enrriquece to its own center. As Enrique Morente, “no maestros, hay discipulos”, and Rosalía was an ejemplar discipula that I have continued in jetty with their questions and reflections.

The Impact of Rosalía in the workshop is also perceived in its generation. His aura traveled to young Muchos who admired her, but she was also looking for new airs and experiences that will expand his creative universe. He met the codes of flamenco and jazz pets, but without embedded in a gender. ESA Versatilidad reflects the work of the workshop: Los géderos musicales are medios, not thin.

Quizá could live his trayectoria for his care, but the workshop le offers a rich atmosphere in ideas and a network of artists who can develop. One day, his Chiqui Maestro de la Línea comentó: “This chica is very special, modulated in a way that, of so much agreement of the antiques, its expression is of now. Rosalía Dará Mucho to speak. ” And he is not mistaken.

Rosalía Tiene Ángel, an angel fed by his musical talented, tenacidad, intuition, restlessness and immense ganas of learning. If Logramos transmitted to know how to limit their creativity, we feel deeply proud, because in it the values ​​that the workshop has promoted during 45 years of history are reflected.

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