RITME BALL GRUP A Del 17 de Setembre al 10 de Desembre Dimarts d’11.15 a 12.15 h…

RHYTHM BALL GROUP A From September 17 to December 10 Tuesday from 11.15 a.m. to 12.15 p.m. Price: €63.60 (12 sessions) https://inscripcions.ccnavas.cat/MiramModular/buscador/buscador.jsp?g=1&c=4&a =8904 RHYTHM BALL GROUP B From September 18 to December 11 Wednesdays from 11.15 a.m. to 12.15 p.m. Price: €68.90 (13 sessions) https://ajuntament.barcelona.cat/ccivics/navas/p/49713/ritme -ball-grup-b Dancing is not only a physical activity that brings you benefits for your health, but it is also a way to have fun, socialize, meet people, reduce everyday stress , and don’t forget that music allows us to express our feelings and, together with dance, improve our mood. Come and have a great time! #tallers #tallers2024 #tallersetembre #tallerscentrescivics #tallerescentroscivicos #tallerscentrecivicnavas #tallerescentrociviconavas #tallersdeball #ritmeball #CentresCivicsBCN #centrescivics #centrecivicnavas #ccnavas Civic Centers of Barcelona District of Sant Andreu
