PUT YOUR FACE ON THE ATHENE! We present to you every quarter the members of the Board of Directors…
✨PUT A FACE TO THE ATENEU!✨ Every quarter we introduce the people of the Board of Directors or the technical team who are part of the Ateneu Santcugatenc. Today, Montse Valderrama Solà, responsible for the Ecoateneu project. I have been working at the Ateneo for just over a year. Although the link with the organization comes from afar, when it hosted under its umbrella the cooperative of Consum Ecològic el Cabàs, of which I am also a part and where I have worked for more than 15 years. I am a social and environmental educator by training, and since I was a child I have had close contact with nature which has made me connect with issues of ecology and associationism in Sant Cugat, as a monitor in parks and schools, with the Nature Group . At the Ateneo, I am in charge of the EcoAteneo projects: the farmers’ markets of Sant Pere and Mira-sol, the second-hand markets on Rambla del Celler, the gardens on Carrer Amposta and other projects that are born with aim to transform our environment and promote agroecology and conscious consumption. The Farmer’s Markets are an opportunity to get to know the producers who bring us what they have planted and looked after with such care. I enjoy observing the dynamics of the markets on Saturdays, both in Plaça de Sant Pere and in Mira-sol, next to the Casal. I think it’s a luxury to be able to make a direct purchase from the producer and with such a good organic product. The demand and interest in being able to participate in the second-hand markets is increasing every time and attracts people from many places in Catalonia. It is a place where you can find objects that someone else no longer needs and be able to give them a second life. I always find something there that surprises me, some treasures that are useful again for someone else… If you haven’t been there, I invite you to take a look at the next market, you’ll like it! And the gardens on Carrer Amposta are a place of work and community growth, where 46 gardeners cultivate their plot with their families and friends, and where we enjoy a space for learning and exchange. We cultivate a piece of land, with all that entails… effort, frustrations and joys. I am excited and feel lucky to be able to work at the Ateneo, with this team of people so motivated and diverse that we believe in what we do, and where there are always new ideas and proposals to move forward and to offer you all the ones you want to enjoy.