Open Call: Postburn 2025-26 – Joan Brossa Foundation

The Center for the Free Arts of the Joan Brossa Foundation opens New Post-Breeding Call 2025-26 for the production and exhibition of visual artistic installations of a hybrid nature. The call will be open from February 24 to April 6, 2025.

In the context of his interest in being part of the Ecosystem of Contemporary Creation in Barcelona, ​​the Center for Free Arts announces a new edition of the post -stop open call For the production and exhibition of artistic installations. This call aims to actively participate in the process of regenerating the context of artistic creation, paying the system with direct endowments to creators for production and offering a space for the exhibition of pieces. The call will be open from February 24 to 6 April (both included).

The call
The call seeks to reward three projects, two in the Facility category for exhibition room (which will have to occupy the uniqueness of the building and adapt to the particularities of the spaces of the old La Seca Currency Factory) and one for the New category for facilities for stage spaces (which seeks installation and performing projects designed for stage spaces).
All the projects presented must respond to three aspects: that they are designed as facilities appropriate to the space, that involve an interaction with the public and that are born of the genuine Brossian idea of ​​the metaphorical game.

Presentation of nominations
The project, the resume and a production budget must be sent throughThis form (also linked to the bases) before April 6.

Calendar of the call

  • Publication of the call: February 24, 2025
  • Completion of the open call: April 6, 2025
  • Post-shitting exhibition 2025-26: Throughout the artistic season 2025-26 (between November 2025 and July 2026)

Support to creation
Since its opening, on December 16, 2021, the Free Arts Center has worked to promote contemporary creation, commitment to the artistic sector and the legacy defense of Joan Brossa. As a creation factory, the institution is an open space, which is committed to networking, generating alliances with private and public agents and collaborating with educational and professional institutions in the various creative sectors and fulfills a public, artistic and social vocation.

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