On Thursday, September 12 at 7 p.m. we start the cultural program at the Ateneo a…
On Thursday, September 12 at 7 p.m. we start the cultural program at the Ateneo with a concert by the Girona pianist and professor at the SantCugat Conservatory, Carles Font i Turon, he will present his new album “Música estàtica” in the auditorium of the Ateneo Santcugatenc. A very personal album that contains its own themes with the intention of exploring sound spaces through simplicity and contemplation and that has the collaboration of Gerard Díez of La Companyia Minimíssima, who has put words to the songs. The album will be available for purchase at the end of the concert, where the two artists will perform together. Entry is free and prior registration will be required at this link, where you will also find the interview they did this week on the program Tots les matins del món, from Catalunya Música www.ateneu.cat/el-pianista-carles-font -presents-in-concert-his-new-album-static-music/