On 19.10.24 at 12 noon we have a show by @zoebalascharumi and @atotaixod…
On 19.10.24 at 12pm we have a show by @zoebalascharumi and @atotaixodansa 🍂 As part of the “Al meu barri fan performances” call organized by the Can Felipa Civic Center and the Escena Poblenou Festival, the website version will be presented specific to the Dance Epidemic in collaboration with the Atotaixodansa association. This context project aims to create fictional maps of places in the Poblenou neighborhood, where we can no longer live or transit them as they were in the past due to the accelerated urban transformations that it experienced especially during the years of the Olympic Games and Forum 2004. At the same time, Epidèmia de Ball site-specific investigates performative actions to create narratives that open imaginaries and fictions, reanimating objects, materials, senses and affections. Epidèmia de Ball site-specific will activate an itinerary, becoming both a tour and a performative artefact, where the public will travel together with a group of performers who will act as tour guides through the streets and squares of the Poblenou district. These places will become the setting for a fictional narrative about a dance epidemic that, in the not-so-distant past, spread through the neighborhood. The public participating in the tour will walk through locations where various choreomania events will be remembered, with the danger that the memory of the places and everything atavistic and intangible will awaken ghosts of the past and the virus of dance contagion between people > more info on the web cccanfelipa.cat and escenapoblenou.com! @bcncultura #CentresCĂvicsBCN #poblenou #districtedesantmartĂ #teatre #culture #escenapoblenou @bcn_santmarti @bcncultura