Nil Cardoner reflects on death and mourning in ‘Everything that will happen from now on’

Illness, loss, mourning and adolescence are the thematic axes of All that will happen from now ona monologue where a 16 -year -old boy (interpreted by Nile Cardoner) He receives a message to say goodbye to his father, a cancer ill for 10 years. The show of Joan Yago is directed by Gloria Balañà Altimira And you can see again at the Poliorama Theater from February 21 to March 16.

Image: Sílvia Poch

The audience will accompany the character on their journey from home to the hospital and will be a partipip of their thoughts. “I wanted to speak from the point of view of the one who stays, who loses a loved one as important as a father or mother when he is still too early and suffers from his absence,” says the director.

To take on stage All that will happen from now onthe director has worked together with the playwright Joan Yagowho has written a monologue that reflects the harshness and pain of loss, but also life and joy. “The pain is mixed with moments of strange euphoria, sadness, calm, absolute love … We have tried to make all this in the play,” says the author. “I think the audience will laugh at some moments, but there will also be scenes that will seem hard,” he adds.

To play the role of Eric, they sought an actor who seemed as much as possible but who had a certain maturity, “in fact, what happens to many boys of this age who cross a similar situation: they are Still children but suddenly they are adults and they are not ready yet to take more things than those who would play them by age, “says Balañà Altimira. They found everything they needed in the actor Nile Cardonerwho faces his first monologue: “Put myself alone on stage, with a very long but incredible text, it is a very big challenge,” says the actor. For Cardoner, talking about death has been a learning. “I have always been very afraid of death, to face this text has been to face a fear,” he confesses.

The process of creating the show also has the testimony of several people who live or have experienced mourning processes and with the advice of Silvia of Quadraspsychologist specializing in palliative care and teens’ mourning process.

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