Mediation: a new bridge in the international project of the Nau Ivanow
This October, part of the Nau Ivanow team traveled to Chile and Colombia. This year, we were invited to participate in live arts sector meetings and seminarswhere we were also able to get to know new spaces and continue to strengthen international ties.
The first stop was Infinity skiesthe southernmost arts festival in the world, in Punta Arenas. There we had the opportunity to learn closely about the dynamics and philosophy of the project, we were also able to see the progress of the residence center with which we will soon start cross residency collaborations i exchange of ideas in cultural management. We also shared thoughts with artists from the region in the Project Management Seminar.
As a project associated with the Nau, we accompanied Andrea Pazan artist whom we support along with Cielos del Infinito, Espacio Txawun and Fira Tàrrega in the research of his next piece to plant. The projects associated with the Nau are those that we support in collaboration with other institutions, festivals or international centers.
The second stop was La Serena. There we participated in Conversation on Residences and Living Arts, organized by TeatroPuertowhere we were able to share the Nau project and debate the need for to dignify research and the importance of international exchanges for the growth of the projects.
We also participated in the Seminar Artistic experiences in educational contexts organized by the Serena University and coordinated by Mauricio Ortizwhere we were able to explain our educational project Scene in Game and get inspired by listening to other experiences that are taking place in the region.
Finally, we visited the Palace Cultural Center from Coquimbo and we held a meeting with the whole team to share management models.
During this trip we also took the opportunity to do prospecting a Chiloéa very special area of Chile where we had the opportunity to meet three incredible projects to continue building bridges: Cecrea Castroa creative center for children and adolescents with a team constantly reflecting on the autonomy, creativity and critical sense of childhood, all working through the arts. bodya platform for residencies and support for artists that is strongly committed to research and internationalization, and that a few months ago held a technical residency at La Nau, in which we saw that we share a work philosophy. Capanegraproject that includes the residence center Cria Chiloé and the Fitich Festival with a focus on rurality and accessibility to the arts in one of the most inaccessible areas of Chile.
From Chile we made the jump to colombiawhere we made a first stop at Medellin, to get to know the new residence space The Floating Wheel. This center wants to be a space where disabled, indigenous and sex-dissident artists can develop their projects in dignified conditions. For many years this team has been fighting to dignify the work of these people and to position itself as a fully inclusive space. His work is truly inspiring. During the festival they hold, we were able to see several proposals, share knowledge in a management workshop to think about how to shape this new center and continue talking about artistic residencies and the importance of dignifying research.
We were also able to learn about other projects such as theAteneo Medellín and the cultural center La Barquereña House of Culture.
Finally, we traveled to Bogotá in the framework of Media Networkaan Ibero-American platform for training, mentoring and the circulation of knowledge in living arts, involving 3 Latin American countries represented by public and private entities and 3 autonomous communities of Spain (Andalusia, Valencia and Catalonia). Sara Luengas, head of mediation at the Delia Zapata National Center for the Arts olive tree to learn about their project and visit the new facilities. We also attended the International Biennial of Arts for Children organized by Create Idartes.
This has been an inspiring journey, full of learning, where we have generated new bonds and others that are strengthened to continue weaving a network that supports and strengthens the Nau project and our companies.