Let’s go backwards like crabs

170,000 people They took to the streets last Saturday because of the housing crisis. It is more than 10% of the population of Barcelona. Despite everything, the Generalitat evicted on Tuesday to Mariam and her children of a public flat in Santa Caterina. The police arrested two activists and they left a woman unconscious nor 24 hours after the International Day for the Elimination of Machista Violence, which has taken women to the street in all the cities of the country. Going back to Tuesday, we learned that the judge has sentenced Saül Gordillo, former director of media such as Catalunya Ràdio, ACN or the Principal to a year in prison for touching an employeetaking advantage of the age difference and its hierarchical prevalence. Yes, it seems that we are going back in time: the first complaint of macho violence it was put there 160 years ago by Franciscafrom L’Hospitalet, against her husband. With all the problems plaguing the city and without leaving the Pleistocene, the PP has preferred to spend its time criticizing the fact that there is no manger in Plaza Sant Jaume this year and has planted his own cardboard nativity scene for a day with this tremendous statement: “Not even Ada Colau had dared to hide the nativity scene of Sant Jaume inside the City Hall”. They really think he has horns and a rabo.

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