La Mallorquina – Centre Cívic Guinardó

The company La Mallorquina is a very young company, created at the end of last year, the result of the passion and delivery that we have the components of the team by the Social Theater and the dissemination and awareness of the mental health disorders. That is why the project of the girl who could not grow, a play that will be displayed at the Civic Center on April 4, arises.

The artistic team is made up of Beatriz Sanz, actress and nutritionist; Irene Ferré, actress, communicator and theater director; and Margalida Agnès, psychologist, actress and promoter of the company. All three of us have been trained at the Nancy Tuñón and Jordi Oliver school, and this is where our friendship and interest in joint collaboration arises:

Beatriz Sanz

Actress and nutritionist, born in Sabadell in 1988. In 2014 she made the decision to train professionally as an actress at the Nancy Tuñón and Jordi Oliver school, as well as in different courses of film interpretation of the Karloff studio, with different directors such as Héctor Hernádez, Clara Roquet and Damià Serra. He has also completed trainings with Isak Férriz, Aimon Ninyerola and Esteve Rovira. Since the end of the training, he has been working on multiple projects at the theatrical level, where the work “ The House of Bernarda Alba ”, produced by a warehouse of arts and “ Common Cosas ”, the show “ Modernas Moderes ” and the piece “ Crystals ” of which is also co -authored, productions of the company Les Modertes.

Irene Ferré

Actress, theater director and communicator from Valencia. Formed in the study Nancy Tuñón and Jordi Oliver of Barcelona and other professionals such as Javier Daulte, Claudio Tolcachir, Pablo Messiez, Ivan Morales and Silvia Munt, among others. She is part of the Balmes 84 Theater Company, of which she is the co -founder. She combines her work as an actress and creator with the revitalization of cultural projects and stage management. In theater, he has starred in “Mamihlapinatapai” (BCN microteatre), “paraphernalia” (Lluïsos Teatre), “there is someone” (Ars Room); He has directed “Friday evening” (Teatre del Raval) and “The Friends of the Peter” (Teatre del Raval). He has also collaborated in the work “La Trena” of La Perla 29 as a director of directors.

Margalida Agnès

Actress, psychologist, professor and promoter of the company, born in Palma in 1993. After completing her training studies of the actor at the Nancy Tuñón School and Jordi Oliver, in 2018, she has continued to be trained through professional courses, where the “ Daulte Method ” clause of Sandra Monclús or the dramaturgy course “ The Alquimista table ” of Eva Hibernia. Also performing in different microteatre works, with Jorge Sánchez or “Lola” by Sofia Carreras. After years of drawing the idea, in 2023 he writes “the girl who could not grow”, a work that arises from the need to unite her two worlds: mental health and theater.

With the proposal presented, it is intended to flee the stigma and the symptom, in order to deepen the causes, in the complex realities that surround people who have to live with a mental disorder. It is about making visible the depth of the iceberg and appealing to the audience, responsibility for a reality that can affect us all. The play seeks to impact and inconvenience, but also to laugh and catch the audience. To achieve this, it will be made from a punk/trash aesthetics, honor, where choreography and trrallera music will play an important role.

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