La Cubana celebrates 45 years of theater with an exhibition and a new musical

The Cuban It celebrates its 45th anniversary with a retrospective exhibition at the Palau Robert in Barcelona and the premiere of a new show, Love came with taxiat the Romea Theater.

A journey through the history of the Cuban

The exhibition La Cubana: 45 years playing to do theater It offers visitors a journey through the company’s career, from its inception in Sitges in 1980 to the present. The free and free access show features thousands of emblematic objects, such as posters, photographs, wigs, masks, decorations and dresses used in their shows.

The exhibition, which will remain open until May 25, is not a simple sample of objects, but an experience that allows viewers to enter the universe of this iconic company: “You will not find a minimalist exhibition and design, but rather with a Christmas tree loaded with balls and lamps, “said Jordi Milándirector and founder of La Cubana. Among the spaces of the exhibition is a “forest” of costumes with the most emblematic pieces of the company, as well as an area dedicated to Teresina, SAthe popular TV3 series that became a television phenomenon in the 1990’s, where visitors can see the original model of the protagonists’ floor and a recreation of their bedroom, as well as various objects and dresses used in production.

New show at the Romea Theater

In parallel with the exhibition, the Cuban prepares the premiere of Love came with taxia new show that will be performed at the Romea Theater from September 17. This montage, described by the company as “a musical made in our way”, is a tribute to the Fan Theater of Catalonia, an essential training space for many professionals in the sector.

“Most people who dedicate ourselves to the theater have gone through the theater of amateurs, and we think it was time to do this,” said Milán. To reproach this tribute they have chosen Love came with taxia work of Rafael Anglada which has been represented by numerous amateur groups over the years.

The election of the Romea Theater as the stage of the new show also has a great symbolic load for La Cubana, as this was the first theater where they performed after their beginnings on the street. “Returning to the Romea is very special to us, as it was the first place we performed a show inside a theater: The stormin 1986 “, the director recalled.

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