Eduard Olesti, Luca Calderó and the collective made up of Sasha Binia Bénarie, Emma Ribera Noguera and Carmela Sesé have won the first call that the Liberal Arts Center of the Joan Brossa Foundation has issued in collaboration with the City Council of Barcelona under the umbrella of the Barcelona Crea scholarships.

What are the Barcelona Crea – Creation Factories Scholarships?
the Barcelona Crea Scholarships – Creation Factories are an initiative of the Network of Creation Factories, with the support of the Institute of Culture, to support the pre-production processes that accompany the creation of artistic proposals: conceptualization, conception, research, experimentation, documentation and essay. With these grants, we want to contribute to maintaining the city’s cultural momentum by offering resources to develop artistic research and innovation processes in the city.
From the Fundació Joan Brossa we have convened, together with the Institute of Culture, 3 Scholarships Barcelona Crea – Creation Factories in three different modalities:

Modality Dramaturgical writing Carme Montoriol
Modality Performative conference
Modality Asset activation

The aim of this initiative is to promote the research work – theoretical and practical – of artists who come from the performing, visual and textual arts and who are also linked to the city of Barcelona.

What does this call offer?
The objective is to offer time, space, financial resources, materials and support (of the team and of the direction/artistic coordination) to deepen the processes and work subjects, in a context that allows maturation, the evolution and maximum expression of the proposals presented.
It offers work space, a financial contribution, artistic accompaniment and monitoring during the work process and the opportunity to generate suitable contexts to share the research and creation processes and open them to external views.
The artistic monitoring will be carried out by the members of the jury: Roger Bernat, Alexandra Laudo and Pedro G. Romero.

Which projects have won the call?
A total of 85 projects were presented divided between the three defined categories and the jury (composed of Roger Bernat, Alexandra Laudo, Pedro G. Romero and the artistic direction of the Liberal Arts Center -Georgina Oliva and Maria Canelles-) chose three projects that as a whole bring into play seemingly unrelated elements, the interrelationship of which enhances the development and research process that seeks the purpose of the Research and Creation Grant.
The winning projects have been:

Category Dramatic writing: SHREK, KEBABS AND by Eduard Olesti
The jury has valued the poetic and multifaceted dimension with which the artist presents the proposal.

Category Performative conference: OUR ULCERS CALLED by Luca Calderó
The jury has assessed the formal and methodological justification of the format of the performative conference, as well as the proposal of a political and poetic writing where words, images and the body are interrelated.

Category Asset activation: A PERIPHERAL TRASH by Sasha Binia Bénarie, Emma Ribera Noguera and Carmela Sesé.
The jury has valued the resignation of the periphery and Joan Brossa’s unusual connection with flamenco.

The research projects will take place between January and June 2025 and we can’t wait to see how they evolve!

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