Judit Martín: “I love not having a limit”

Judit Martin he is one of those people who doesn’t fail. Whatever her proposal, she will get it right, because she enjoys being on stage and that, for her, is the greatest success. Now along with Alba Florejachs i Monica Ballesterosrecover the show I put at the Teatro Condal. The actresses invite the audience to wear I put which become the starting point of this show. A tribute, through humor and improvisation, to all these peculiar objects of dubious utility. Ceramic figurines, travel memories or gifts from invisible friends, which you appreciate and despise at the same time and which you never know where to put, but which you can’t get rid of either.

Judit Martín in ‘Pongo’

Barcelona Theatre: The I put are they attractive

Judit Martin: They are so colorful and so ugly that sometimes they become beautiful. He has this love-hate thing about him. In addition, there is I put that hide incredible stories. We doubted whether people would be willing to bring things from their homes, but the truth is that we don’t fit them on stage. These objects are a seed, the incentive to create improvisations.

The show is improvised and is also interactive with the audience.

We do not force anyone to participate. There are people who come without I putonly as a spectator, others bring one and whoever wants to tell their story. with the I putwhich we discover at each performance, we generate a story and the audience discovers with us… All of this highlights the improv.

“In improvisation the priority is the story and the characters that appear must be at their service”

Once you go on stage you become dozens of different characters. What is this transformation like?

I like it and have been improvising for many years. I have worked from titles, from many premises… it is the urgency of the audience and the moment, which forces you to create characters from nothing. In improvisation, the priority is the story and the characters that come out must be at its service. This is what has forced me to create so many characters and be able to play so many varieties. If I had had to think of them from home, from myself, I might not have hit so many sticks.

Is improvisation your favorite format?

I’ve trained on stage and taken some improv courses. I grew up in improv and therefore it is my forte. What I find most difficult is when I have to go through a script, this happens to me for example in the poland. Although now I don’t have a problem anymore. The script worries me, I always think I’m going to forget the text and that creates much more anxiety for me than with the improvwhere you know there is nothing. I love having no limit.

Judit Martín and Alba Florejachs in ‘Pongo’

For many years you have been improvising in the theatre, on television, on the radio… We see you everywhere. How do all these characters live together?

In the theater there is a story with a beginning, development and end, a story with a fourth wall to understand us. It has nothing to do with when I improvise on the radio, there I have to be present with a character who interacts with other characters or with the host. In contrast to theIt’s Happening I always work with a specific character. Each place involves different ways of working and with all of them I have had to adapt and find my way of doing things. Sometimes I think I’m on the verge of people hating me for being everywhere [riu].

Have a good time and people get that too.

Nerves are the greatest enemy of comedy and when you see a comedian having a bad time, everyone suffers a lot. Getting to have a good time is the most beautiful thing.

“You have to be careful on TV so you don’t get into trouble”

A few months ago, you went eto be at the center of the hurricane following a gag in theIt’s Happening

On TV you have to be careful not to get into trouble. You have to know where you are, in what medium, and be aware that you expose yourself to the fact that people will take action or even ask you. I’ve learned that if I’m performing in a bar, I can say whatever I want, but when you work in a public medium, you play it more. For now, I have no problem working on the telly with some red lines around.

Judit Martín, in her most controversial improvisation on TV3’s program ‘Està passant’

And now, you’re at it again, for pointing out job insecurity.

Job insecurity is everywhere, especially in everything that is disguised as creative and vocational. They play with illusion. People hide it, but sometimes when you scratch a little, you end up discovering people who work for big companies for two bucks. The thing is, reporting these things comes at a price. If you do it, you’re playing it safe, the companies cross paths and you have to be willing to go to court proceedings, lawyers… I always encourage people to report because it’s terrible, but everyone does what they can and I understand that too.

Judit Martín and Mónica Ballesteros in ‘Pongo’

What is the I put more I put what do you have or have you ever had?

A money plant. It never dies, some friends gave it to me and I find it horrible. I had it on the balcony in case they came to visit, but it didn’t die even with kicks. This past summer it half rotted and I thought it was the opportunity to throw it away. But I didn’t and I actually revived her. Since it was given to me, things have been going great for me. Now I was afraid to throw it away and seek ruin. It has sprouted and flowers have come out. But it is one putyes

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