At the gates of closing the year comes a new week of commissions to face 2023 with strength!
What are commissions?
These are the spaces where we propose solutions to some of the House’s challenges and design the path to follow starting next quarter. There are several commissions, depending on the area they deal with.
Who can participate?
Participation is open to everyone who wants to contribute to thinking about how the House should be! You don’t have to be a member of the Casa Orlandai Cultural Association, we just ask that you be willing to make contributions to keep growing the project!
What frequency do they have?
We meet three times a year, in a period we call Commission Week. They take place in February, May and October.
October commissions will take place between October 22 and 31. You will find the following areas:
- To the commission of Programming shows are proposed that we would like to see at the House, either for the general public, for young people (subcommittee ofunmissable) as for the children’s audience (subcommittee of mornings).
- The commission of training design the thematic lines of the workshops that we want to promote for the next term.
- theECOCO works to respond to the environmental concerns that affect us as individuals and as a community.
- The commission of communication works to connect us with you, with the neighborhood and with the city, in a bidirectional way.
- The ComiFem ensures to give an impetus to the gender perspective in the House and in the neighborhood.

I’m sure you have proposals and good ideas to face the challenges that the House still faces every day. Come and participate in commissions week! To do so you just have to send an email to associacio@casaorlandai.cat and say which one you would like to participate in!