It’s time to present your ideas to improve your neighborhood, it’s the moment…

It’s time to present your ideas to improve your neighborhood, it’s time to start them #BudgetsParticipatiusBCN!

The residents of the city can decide in which projects 30 million euros from the municipal budget will be invested until 2027.

If you detect a need in the neighborhood,…

It’s time to present your ideas to improve your neighborhood, it’s time to start the #BCNParticipatoryBudgets!

The residents of the city can decide on which projects 30 million euros of the municipal budget will be invested until 2027.

If you notice a need in the neighborhood, you can present your investment project proposal, until November 29, through the platform we decide. Barcelona (https://decidim. Barcelona/) or in person, in a hundred debate sessions spread all over the city.
