inscripcions obertes al Centre Cívic Sant Andreu a partir del dilluns 09 e setem…
registrations open at the Sant Andreu Civic Center from Monday 09 September until 28 September.
Civic Centers of Barcelona District of Sant Andreu Civic Centers Network
Open registrations at the Sant Andreu Civic Center from Monday September 09 until September 28.
Civic Centers of Barcelona District of Sant Andreu Civic Centers NetworkTranslated from Catalan
🗓️ September has already arrived and we are starting a new year with dozens of cultural proposals, workshops and training activities 🎭✍️ at the municipal facilities. 📲 From today you can go to the civic center in your neighborhood to consult 🧐 the autumn schedule. Pilates, theater, crafts… What a workshop… More
🗓️ September is here and we start a new course with dozens of cultural proposals, workshops and training activities 🎭 ✍️ at the municipal equipment. 📲 From today you can go to the civic center of your neighborhood to consult 🧐 the autumn schedule. Pilates, theater, crafts… Which training workshop would you like to do this fall? 🙌 #elmeubarri #mydistrictTranslated from Catalan