GENERAL READING CLUB Open book clubs can cover a wide range of…

📖 GENERAL READING CLUB Open book clubs can cover a wide variety of genres, eras, cultures and registers. It is about bringing together a group of people interested in literature in all its many manifestations and eager to communicate experiences, feelings and thoughts. 👥 Face-to-face reading club. 🗣 Conductor: Mercè Carrillo. 📋 Sessions: Thursday 17 October (6:30-8:00 p.m.) ‘Glass Bell’, by Sylvia Plath. Thursday November 21 (6:30-8:00 p.m.) ‘The art of wearing a raincoat’, by Sergi Pàmies. Thursday 16 January (18:30-20:00 h) ‘The forest of the night’, by Djuna Barnes. Thursday, February 20 (6:30-8:00 p.m.) ‘Walks with my mother’, by Javier Pérez Andújar. Thursday 20 March (18:30-20:00 h) ‘Murder in the heart of Jerusalem’, by Gur Batya. Thursday, April 17 (6:30-8:00 p.m.) ‘Los nuestros’, by Serguei Dovlàtov. Thursday 15 May (18:30-20:00 h) ‘Summer without men’, by Siri Hustvedt. ✍ Pre-registration period from September 9, 2024 at 4 pm 👁‍🗨 Basic rules for reading clubs: – To participate in reading clubs you must have a library card. – The maximum period of stay in a club is two years. If there is no waiting list, you can continue participating in the club. – If there is a waiting list, the place is lost after the third lack of attendance. #ClubsDeLecturaBCN #ReservaLaData #biblioGuinardóActivitat #clubdlectura
