From the children’s room of the library, we continue to update the activities …

From the children’s room of the library, we continue to update the activities we offer to the schools that visit us year after year! This year, as a novelty, we have prepared (among others) “Tales out loud” for the initial cycle of primary school, where we invite boys and girls to continue enjoying oral storytelling despite having left behind the cycle of infantile And, using the traveling exhibition “The 25 Unmissables” as inspiration, at the end of the story the children will be able to match each story with a glass jar containing some element related to the story that we have made by hand in the library . Will they manage to overcome the challenge? 😉 The first story we show you today is “Seven monsters and a cat”🐱, a very funny rhyming and circular story where a character disappears on each page. The 👻 in the glass jar is made with gauze and white glue.
