Friday, October 25 at 7 p.m.: Poetry and music are back at the Ateneu Rosa d…
Friday, October 25 at 7 p.m.: Poetry and music return to the Ateneo Rosa de Foc. POETIC-MUSICAL CABARET dedicated to OVIDI MONTLLOR. With: Llavor de Mots, Rosa Grau, M. Àngels Igartua, Guiomar, El Trotas, Joan Artigas and Jo Solana. Place: Ateneo Rosa de Foc. C/Robí, 5. organized by the Poetic Cabaret…
Friday October 25th at 7pm. : Poetry and music return to the Pink Fire Athenaeum. POETIC-MUSICAL CABARET dedicated to OVIDI MONTLLOR. With: Word Seed, Rosa Grau, M. Angels Igartua, Guiomar, El Trotas, Joan Artigas and I Solana. Place: Rose of Fire Athenaeum. C/Robí, 5. Organized by the Poetic Cabaret and the Artistic Section of Agita’t Gràcia