Feminist strike March 8 2025
Feminist strike March 8
The Federation of Entities Clot-Camp de l’Arpa reports that on March 8 will support the feminist strike, which is why the La Farinera del Clot Cultural Center and the EAMP neighborhood center will be closed.
This March 8, we occupy the streets again, as so many women and dissident genres have done before us. We do this from transfeminism, from the diversity of voices and experiences that make up our struggle. Because feminism is not a single voice, not a single reality. We are many, we are diverse, and we share a common commitment: to combat patriarchy, capitalism and all forms of oppression.
We denounce a system that holds structural violence against women and gender dissent: a patriarchal, cisheteronormative, racist, classist and colonial system that exploits care work, invisible the contributions of women and tolerates feminicides, systematic violations and violations of human rights.
We claim an anti -capitalist, anticolonial and transploent feminism. Because the struggle of Palestinian women, of the migrants who cross borders, the precarious workers and the trans people who resist institutional violence is also our struggle. Because there is no possible release if we do not report genocide, racism and global exploitation.
Without the work of women and all the people who hold their lives, this system would not work. That is why this 8M stops to make our strength visible and to be clearly clear that feminism will be plural, antipatriarchal, anti -racist and internationalist or will not be.
We go out, raise our voices and practice radical sorority!
March 4, 2025.
Federation of Entities of the Clot-Camp de l’Arpa.