exhibition "Penelope, the sea is yours"
Exhibition message: “The exhibition Penelope, the sea is yours, is inspired by the myth of Homer’s epic poem The Odyssey. During the twenty-year absence of her husband Odysseus, who had left for the Trojan War, Penelope demonstrated her ingenuity and patience by weaving a shroud during the day and undoing it at night, thus delaying the election of a new husband.” “From a nautical perspective, patience and ingenuity are virtues of great navigators. The exhibition Penèlope, la mar és teva presents the experiences and challenges of six prominent women in the world of sailing at different stages of their careers» This article from the Cultural Agenda was updated on June 4, 2024, therefore, in anticipation of possible subsequent modifications, we recommend that you compare the information with that published on the website of the Maritime Museum of Barcelona. You can do so by following the following link: Exhibition “Penelope, the sea is yours” on the website of the Maritime Museum of Barcelona
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