Exhibition “Out of the

Exhibition Message:

“The Book of the Dead of the Ancient Egyptians presents one of the most echoed documents of all the ancient Egyptians. A text of a religious nature of fundamental importance as a kind of guide and help for all who aspired to a full life after earthly death.

The ancient Egyptians believed in the possibility of enjoying a new life after death. To achieve this, among other creations, they imagined true “manual” with the necessary texts and images. Following the tradition of the texts of the pyramids in the Ancient Kingdom and texts of the sarcophagi during the Middle Kingdom, from the New Kingdom and until the end of the Pharaonic civilization The Book of the Dead or Book of the departure was the compendium. of religious ideas more used to solve the questions related to life in the afterlife.

There are many copies of the book of the dead, usually written in papyrus, that combine texts and images and are made up of a variable number of the nearly 200 formulas. A complex work that has been treated by scholars from different points of view (more and less academic) that we intend to make available to our audience, highlighting its essential and more decisive aspects.

The exhibition goes up to date. The Book of the Dead of the Old Egyptians is made up of seventy pieces from the collection of the permanent collection of the Egyptian Museum of Barcelona and documents of the Jordi Clos Llombart Library .. »

This article on the cultural agenda has been updated on January 14, 2025. In anticipation of possible subsequent modifications, we recommend contrasting the information with which it appears published on the Egyptian Museum’s website. You can do this following the link below:

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