Exhibition: "Ass on the ground! Caus and Esplais, Citizenship Schools"

496,680 people participated in children’s and youth leisure activities in 2023 in Catalonia. More than 700 Esplais and Caus are present in neighborhoods, towns and cities around the country. One in three young people in Catalonia forms or has been part of leisure education. In the summer of 2024, about 6,000 leisure activities were carried out in Catalonia, with more than 350,000 registered (data from the Directorate General of Youth). Scouting is the largest children’s and youth movement in the world, with 57 million people in 176 countries (World Scout Movement Organization, Scouts.org). 93 % of children who go to leisure have gained autonomy and confidence (study of the Institute of Children and Urban World at the Esplai Club Pubilla Casas Can Vidalet de Fundesplai). Until March 30, 2025 you can visit the rooms 1 and 2 of Palau Robert the exhibition Cul on the ground! Caus and Esplais, Citizenship Schools. The exhibition, promoted by the Department of Social Rights and Inclusion and the Palau Robert, illustrates, documents and values ​​the activity of Esplais and Caus and its great capacity for the transmission of values. It was curated by Elisenda Rovira Olivé, and was coordinated and documented by Oriol Toro Camprodon. For more than a hundred years, educational associations has been helping to maintain its own language, to make known the territory, to defend natural spaces, to welcome various people and to weave community. And all this, thanks to hundreds of thousands of people who make it possible. The exhibition wants to testify, and at the same time be a tribute to the group of people – directed, children and young people – who make leisure education a reality in all the villages and neighborhoods of Catalonia. This article on the cultural agenda has been updated on January 2, 2025, so in anticipation of possible subsequent modifications, we recommend contrast the information with which it appears published on the Palau Robert website. You can do this following the following link: Exhibition: “Cul on the ground! Caus and Esplais, Citizenship Schools”

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